Flexible HR

When we say flexible HR we really mean it. Flexible HR allows us to work together and agree a service and pricing that suits you. This means you decide what you want, whether it is hourly, daily or monthly services.

Flexible HR Solutions

We offer Flexible HR Solutions, which allows you to pick and choose the services that you need. Whether you need assistance with a disciplinary hearing, or a more complex intervention; the amount of input from our team of HR professionals is entirely down to you. The same goes for contracts; you may feel that a retained service offers you peace of mind, or you may prefer a more ad hoc approach and work carried out on a project-by-project basis.

What HR Services can we provide?

  • Appraisals and Performance Management. Get the most from your business through developing your employees.
  • Compensation and Benefits. Find out more how the pay and benefits you offer can improve employee engagement.
  • Employee Relations. Creating a collaborative working environment within your workforce can improve communication, productivity and engagement.
  • Employment Contracts. We draft clear and concise employment contracts to outline responsibilities on behalf of you and your staff.
  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution. We can help you to deal with any employment issues efficiently and effectively, leading to a reduction in disciplinaries and grievance procedures.
  • Onboarding. Setting the tone of your business from your new employee’s very first day will engage your new starters, and lead to greater employee retention.
  • Policies and Procedures. We’re able to draft a variety of HR policies. Our experienced team can create appropriate staff handbooks and other documentation that’s tailored to your organisation.
  • Redundancy, termination, settlement agreements and exit interviews. Find the balance for you and your staff by utilising effective offboarding processes.
  • Recruitment. We can build interview and assessment tools for single or multi vacancies and train your staff to deliver the results you are looking for.
  • Restructures. Streamlining and expanding your business all pose challenges, we can support you and your people through that journey.

Our objective is simple, we provide a flexible, outsourced HR department that you can lean on as much or as little as you need.  The more we get to know your business, your culture and your people the easier it is to design and deliver the best solution for you.