Data Protection Compliance

Ensuring you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, isn’t as hard as you may think. Our GDPR Practioner will help support you and your staff through this process, so you and your customers know that you are keeping their data safe.

Data Protection Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018. But what does it mean for your business?

Any organisation that holds personal or sensitive data should be able to demonstrate the following:

  • What personal and sensitive data they record.
  • Where this data is kept (e.g. electronic or physical data).
  • Why they need to retain this data.
  • What security measures are in place to keep this data safe.

We aim to simplify the concepts of the GDPR compliance and translate the legal framework into language that you and your team can relate to. Our data protection experts will help you to understand the concepts of the GDPR and how they apply to your business. We take the guesswork out of the new data protection legislation and give you confidence in your procedures and processes.

We offer a variety of services to ensure your business is compliant with the GDPR:

  • Gap Analysis and Process Mapping. We take an in-depth look at your organisations processes and procedures and identify potential security and data protection breaches. These exercises are extremely valuable and allow us to get an idea of your current position on the road to compliance with the GDPR. Once our Data Protection experts have evaluated these processes, we’ll provide a detailed report which highlights areas that are non-compliant or at-risk.
  • Third Party review. If you work closely with third parties, you’ll need to think about their position in terms of the GDPR, as well as your own. Who do you share your clients’ data with? Are they compliant? We’ll review your position in terms of contracts, to ensure full compliance and the safety and security of your clients’ data.
  • Our GDPR Toolkit. Our data protection specialists will draft the relevant documentation to ensure that your company is compliant with the current data protection legislation. This includes privacy notices/policies and letters of consent for you to distribute to your customers and employees.
  • Training. We offer comprehensive training packages that are fully-tailored to your organisation. We will train your employees on the importance of the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, ensuring that they understand how it affects them and your customers.

Data Protection Officer Service. For companies and organisations who require a DPO in order to remain compliant with the GDPR, we offer a bespoke service where you’re allocated a certified DPO who will guide you through the process.

Find out more about our outsourced Data Protection Officer (DPO) Service